Gastgeberklub Ellrich

Gastgeberklub Ellrich

Striking and self-confident they stand there, characterize city silhouettes, important squares and form landmarks that can be seen from afar. Nobody wants to imagine our cities and landscapes without churches and their towers. For many people, they are not only important landmarks, but also have enormous symbolic value. They are cultural places and tourist attractions. But often they are closed and deserted. The Initiative Netzwerkkirche Ellrich wants to reconsider the St. Johannis Church as a place and cordially invited all the people of Ellrich to do so. We initiated a public workshop with the aim of trying out the church space in a one-week experimental setup as a public meeting place, a place of exchange and a space for new ideas and desires. The host club offered the opportunity to experience the place in the form of dinner parties as well as film and discussion formats. The project is part of the joint initiative of EKM (Evangelical Church in Central Germany) and IBA Thüringen (International Building Exhibition Thuringia). Throughout Thuringia, different model projects are experimentally tested and developed at various locations.

A project by Sam Carvalho, Marius Busch and Eduardo da Conceicao, Licia Soldavini, Ariel Curtelin, Mascha Fehse, Anika Neubauer

